Hi Everyone!
Holy cow has it been busy here!
Lets start with the rock concert that was a two day event here Friday and Saturday. Well Friday night I got to listen to every band that played that night all from my front deck. Although I must say I had no clue who any of the bands were. Saturday night I had been looking forward to hearing Skid Row play but never heard a sound from the concert until Brett Michales (sp) took the stage. They cranked the volume for him and I got to sing along with all the old Poison songs! Brought back a lot of memories good and bad. Here I am dating myself! Oh well, the kids had worse things to say about my singing and the music.
Saturday was also the kick off of the Air Show. It was actually louder on Thursday when they were practicing and looking for any and all obstacles around the city that they needed to avoid during the show. Every picture I tried to snap since they all showed up on Thursday till all the plains left again Sunday evening was either grainy from zooming to the max or just a blur of the plane if I got the plane at all. So there are none to share unfortunately. Hopefully when they do the next show here again in three years I will have a better camera. :)
On Sunday we had a small birthday Party for "The Boy". He was visiting his dad on his actuall birthday so we waited and celebrated when he got home.

Smallest Radio Controlled car I have ever seen. It's no bigger then a Matchbox car or a Hot Wheels Car. Pretty cool little thing actually, you can change out the motor and put different wheels on it and everything.

A Bug in the cake?
He asked for a bug cake so the cake was decorated with bugs.

Today was an absolute gorgeous day so guess what we did?
Off to the lake again!

I never knew it was possible to flip one of the big sit down jetskies. This one was a three seater with three "maybe" first year college guys riding it. Well they not only flipped it end over end but it barrel rolled two times. They are darn lucky that none of them got hurt. Jetskies and Wave runners can be very dangerous things when pushed to the limit and or unskilled riders are on them.

Took a lot of effort and about 5 minutes for them to get it righted again.
When we called it a day, they were "trying" to knee board behind it but were not having much luck.

Here we are just swimming and ridding. Just as we were heading out to the lake the neighbors flaked out on us and decided not to go after just an hour before saying "sure we'll go sounds like fun."
Grr.. Oh well, It was nice not having to share the Jetskies and take turns as much. I got to ride to my hearts content today. So much so that I know my muscles are going to hurt a bit for the next couple of days!

I'll be nimble
I'll be quick
I'll fall down the stairs today!
Yep the only injury suffered by anyone this year with the Jetskies and the lake is me. I decided to be nice and walk down to the water to get our jetski anchor and buoy. I steeped on some gravel on the stairs going down to the water and whamo, down I went my full weight on top of my arm when I hit and then slid down about two or three steps before I could get my feet under me to stop the slide.

What a rotten way to end the last trip to the lake for the season. The lake is getting to green from the algae and our next trip will be to the Missouri river to meet up with our Denver relatives and get one last Jetski trip in for everyone in early September. Which also gives me time to get our maintenance done on the skies and trailer. The first thing I need to get done is replace the bearings in the trailer axle. I do this about every 3 or 4 years whether it needs it or not. water is water and it can do lots of damage to things, even to things that are made to be in the water. The skies could also use a good wash, wax and buffing. They may be 15 years old but no one ever guesses there that old since we maintain them and take really good care of them. They are completely original no major work ever done on them except the mats where you stand. We had those replaced about 3 years ago because the glue that was used on the original ones started to fail.
Now that you have made it this far I must admit I still don't have a layout for inspiration for tonight's Freebie Template #197.
But I'm sure most of you know the drill by now so just click the preview to download and remember that hot linking is a no no.
All of the links for the "10 or more" Challenge went out on Sunday Afternoon. A little later then anticipated but time had a way of slipping away from this weekend.
All of the links for the "10 or more" Challenge went out on Sunday Afternoon. A little later then anticipated but time had a way of slipping away from this weekend.
Thank you to all of you who not only download my freebies but leave such wonderful comments! I always look forward to reading them. Thank you!
Now since I reactivated my Dark Age of Camelot account, I think I'm going to go play for a while.
Go ahead google it, it's an awesome game! I've been playing on and off for almost 7 years now. Why on and off? When a new game comes out I just have to try it. But when I grow tired of it I always go back to DAoC. Everquest has always been a close second thou.
Until next time...
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 2 post on Jul. 28, 2009. Thanks again.
Thank you...love the chains!
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