Sunday, September 28, 2008

LS Template # 15

Both my football teams lost today. But, Harvick placed in the top 10. You take the good, you take the bad and then you have the facts of life! Is it then or there? Heck I don't know I'm two beers deep tonight. I drink only three or four times a year usually so it doesn't take much.

It's been a cool overcast day here so I didn't do any painting. I spent most of the day cleaning and doing things I had put off. Tonight I decided to kick back with a couple of beers and watch a movie after the kids were in bed. No designing no nothing.

However I do have a freebie for you.

Landscape Template # 15

Click the preview to download

Don't forget:

Who is your favorite Nascar Driver?

Please leave a note in the Blogs comments - Name and car number, so that I make sure to include the right ones with out doing them all. But hay, if you request them all, I'll do them all!

Until next time...

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Hi All!
Yes it has been a better day around here. The little one was still up before dawn but her big sister surprised me by coming home early from grandpa's so I could get some more painting done. The base color is done and the trim is almost done with the first coat! I should be completely done by now but we had rain the first part of the week and heat with high winds the later part. I was not about to be on a ladder in the winds we had. With any luck at all I should be able to get close to being done with the first trim color tomorrow.

I officially started the Nascar kit tonight. No ETA on it however. This is gonna probably be a couple of weeks. I also still have a few team kits to work on.

Here is my request of you...

Who is your favorite Nascar Driver?

Please leave a note in the Blogs comments - Name and car number, so that I make sure to include the right ones with out doing them all. But hay, if you request them all, I'll do them all!

Tonight's Freebie:

Buccaneers Fan Kit

Click the Preview to download

no hot linking please

Sorry this item is no longer available

Until next time...

Friday, September 26, 2008


Finally today is over!
The little one was feeling her oats today and the last 16 hours have been very, very loooong. It all started with her falling/ rolling out of bed at 6am.
When I went to grab my keys off the island so I could take the oldest to school we discovered my keys were gone. It felt like it was 10 min but in just a few minutes I had tried to get her a ride with the neighbor, but she had already left. Still could not find the keys so a call was placed to great grandpa for a ride, but at this point she was gonna be tardy even with a ride from him. Finally after what seemed forever the keys were found in the bottom of the toy box and we were out the door. Made it to school with 5 min to spare.

Through out the day I swear the little one used every not so good phrase she could think of. "Hate This", "Whatever" (both from the oldest),"I don't know", " I can't" and of course the classic"No". Just looking at her would set her off. The terrible two's are defiantly showing themselves the last couple of weeks. She also refused to take a nap today.

At 7:30 tonight I got a phone call from the oldest who is staying at Great Grandpa's tonight, saying that she lost her invisaline braces today at school. Instead of calling as soon as she got to his place so I could call the dentist, we now have to wait till Monday. She has only had them a week!

Also the oldest and Great Grandpa co-own a cat that lives with grandpa. Wednesday night some time during the night the cat passed away. Grandpa found her Thursday morning. So the oldest has been really emotional. Look at her or say the wrong thing and she is off in a flood of tears.

9:15pm Back to the little one who is still up screaming her little head off. Can't touch her, can't talk to her, over tired has set in and the world is falling apart around her. It is over an hour past bedtime.
9:20 she leans against me and the sobbing and screaming become a whimper.
9:23 out cold.
9:25 carry the little one to bed! Horray!
And so we come to the present.

I have put the finishing touches on 5 more kits that I will be releasing over the next week. I would of had them done last night but I absolutely hate making Previews.
For those of you who have asked about a Nascar kit. I have given it a great deal of thought and I will start work on one for you all. I will not do one for each driver, how ever, I do promise to make it large with lots of variety. I have been a Nascar fan for as long as I can remember. It was always Sr. and then came along Jr. I was watching the day Sr. died. I was very torn when it was announced that Kevin Harvick would take over the car. Do I stick with the car and team or do I go strictly Jr? I went both. I didn't care who finished first or how they placed so long as "My Boys" got it done. This year I hardly watched any of the races. Jr has changed teams and I am still undecided about it. What happened to Tony Jr. his old crew chief? Anyone know?

Alright Blab fest is over,
Thanks for hangin in there!

Saints Fan Kit Freebie

Click the preview to download

no hot linking please

Until next time...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Double Template #8

It will be a day or two before the next team kit is ready. It has also been awhile since I last gave out a template.
Speaking of team kits and templates, Michele has sent a link to two layouts that she has completed using not only the Bronco's Fan Kit but also a couple of my Landscape templates. Check them out here. Thank you for sharing with us Michele your LO's are lovely and the boys are so adorable in there outfits!

Has anyone else gotten any scrapping done using any of the team kits? I would love to see them!

Tonight's freebie:

Double Template #8

Click the preview to download

Separate files for side A and side B are both included.

No hot linking please

Until next time..

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Seminoles Fan Kit Freebie

Just another wet, windy day here.

Freebie Seminoles Fan Kit

Click the preview to download.

no hot linking please
Sorry this item is no longer available

Until next time...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Rain and wind

What a rainy, windy day. Spent the day working on some of the team kits off and on. I have 8 of them in various states of completion.

I only manged to get about a quarter of the trim painted so far. Trim is such a pain in the butt! Gives a home a lot of character though. Only problem is I have been thinking of adding even more trim. Some smaller detail things.

Any who, nothing else going on so let's get to the freebie.

Jaguars Fan Kit

Because of size this kit has been broken down into 2 downloads.Half the papers and half the elements are in each download so make sure you get both downloads!

No hot linking please

Until next time...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wedding Frames

Good evening everyone!

A very dear friend of mine married his wonderful bride today! Unfortunately because the wedding was out of state I was unable to attend. My thoughts are with them today as they exchange vows.

They have had many challenges in there 5 years of dating.

6 months after they started dating he was forced to move out of state because of a job transfer, and she chose to stay behind. They were apart (only in miles) for a year and in that time she was diagnosed with cancer and went through treatment with out him beside her. Also while they were apart his brother was involved in a small airplane crash. He survived it but was layed up for a long time.

Only a few months after he moved back I remember how happy he was when he proposed. He texted me only minutes after having asked her "I'm Engaged!!" it said. I still remember where I was and what I was doing when I got his text.

2 years ago they started plans for building a house. They purchased a lot and started building 8 months later. The house was finished this last Christmas(2007) and they moved in to there new home in January.

In February they finally set the wedding date. I again received a text from him telling me the date. Later when we had a chance to talk on the phone he was beside himself with glee.

This last Thursday night I had the chance to talk to him for about 45 minutes. I had not talked to him in a while so it was nice to chat a bit. I apologized again for not being able to attend the wedding and he said he understood and that I could have all the pictures I wanted when they get back from there honeymoon at the end of the month. I have never heard him so calm and sure of himself before. He is most definitely prepared to take this next step in there journey together.

I have watched him grow and mature into a handsome determined young man. To me he is the little brother I never had.

To the new couple,
May your journey together be everything you expect it to be.

I wish you both the very best!


frame by: Delicouse Scraps

Tonight's Freebie:
Wedding Frames Freebie

Click the preview to download

No hot linking please

In other news.

I finished the other half of the house painting Friday. I still have the trim to get to. I was supposed to do it today but when I opened the paint can, the color was completely wrong! So tomorrow I have to get new paint. I should have done it today but my heart wasn't in it, my thoughts were with my friend and so I made tonight's freebie instead.

Until next time...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Drama Drama Drama

Sorry folks, I had every intention of posting last night, I got the kit uploaded to 4shared, And then the family drama broke out. Way to much drama to explain.

My Dentist appointment yesterday went very well. All my remaining natural teeth have been completely restored and all the silver fillings replaced. Now I wait and finish healing from all the extractions. Shortly after the first of the year I go in for bone grafts.

The teenager got her braces put on today after school. A couple of brackets have already come off her teeth and the dentist is closed till Monday so the next few days are going to be interesting.

I also managed to get half the house painted today. Hopefully tomorrow I will get the other half done and the trim painted on Saturday.

I'm posting a bit early tonight because I am whooped! The kit I was working on last night is still open on my computer screen. I just never got back to it, and I doubt I will tonight.

Here is your freebie team kit for the night.

Chargers Fan Kit Freebie

Because of size this kit has been broken down into 2 downloads.
Half the papers and half the elements are in each download so make sure you get both downloads!

no hot linking please

Until next time...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Eagles Fan Kit

What a game last night(Monday)! Did anyone watch the Eagles vs Cowboys game? I bet I know one person other then myself who did. Sorry Stephanie, I'm a cowboys fan. Raiders first Cowboys second. Ever since I was a little kid I have been a fan of those two teams. I'm not real sure as to how it got started other then everyone I knew growing up were either Vikings or Greenbay fans. I had to be a rebel even though most of the time I want to take the whole lot of them, including the coaches, and shake them upside down by their ankles and knock some sense into them. So I guess I'm a bit of a rebel at heart.

In other news.

I took all the shutters down off the house today. Scared up a wasp while I was at it. I have never jumped down off a ladder so fast. I have bad reactions when ever I get stung so I avoid wasps and bees at all cost.

Tomorrow I have another Dentist appointment. 2 upper molars and 1 lower molar all on the right side to be drilled and filled, no root canals. Yippee!

I also plan on power washing the house tomorrow afternoon. It's supposed to be in the 80's again tomorrow so the little one should have fun playing in the mist.

Okay enough blab for tonight.

Tonight's freebie was actually switched up with tomorrows freebie. Sorry in advance to those of you looking for the "other" kit.

Sorry about the game Stephanie,

Eagles Fan Kit Freebie

Because of size this kit has been broken down into 2 downloads.

Half the papers and half the elements are in each download so make sure you get both downloads!

Eagles Fan Kit Part 1

Eagles Fan Kit Part 2
Sorry this item is no longer available

No hot linking please

Please leave a comment if you download. I work hard making these kits and every comment, no mater how small, means a lot.

Until next time...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Mondays Freebies

Congratulations to: Angela, Cassandra and Michele!
Would you three be so kind as to shoot me an email so I can get your grab bag gifts to you. Please put Midnight Scrapping in the subject line so it does not get lost in the spam.

Thank you all for all the wonderful comments!

Does anyone have a layout done using any of the team kits they would like to share? I would absolutely love to see some! I won't share them on the blog with out your permission.

We have two Freebies tonight:

BYU Fan Kit Freebie

Click the preview to download

Freebie Landscape Template #14

Click the preview to download

Please remember that hot linking is not allowed

Well I'm off to finish watching the Eagles vs. Cowboys game, I'll let you know tomorrow who I'm rooting for!

Yippey!! The Raiders beat the Chiefs on sunday!! A much better game then their Denver showing last week! What a disapointment!

Until next time...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Freebie Friday

Oh what a week! Hope yours was better then mine.

Lets see here,

Monday while I was putting banana bread into the oven the little one escaped out of the house. Scared me half to death! She was only gone for a minute max two. Oh how my mind raced with every bad outcome. Thankfully we live on a dead end and she only went into the backyard to play with a ball. The lock on the screen door is no longer good enough to keep her in. Thankfully she has not figured out the deadbolt on the main door yet. But it won't be long!

Tuesday and Wednesday I layed low not feeling the best.

Thursday we ran errands and I had a argument with the teenager.

Today (Friday) I received a phone call from the teenagers school counselor. Turns out she is failing English and has a D in Algebra. Midterms are next week. I can't believe we are a month into the school year already!

Time definitely goes faster the older you get. I remember being in grade school thinking summer would never come. Then my senior year of high school I was asking myself were the school year had gone. Now it seems that if I blink I will miss something. There is never enough time in a day to accomplish everything I want or need to get done.

I spend my days with the little one and evenings with the family. I stay up till 2 or 3 am everyday and the alarm goes off at 5:30 am to start all over again. Now you know where the name Midnight Scrapping comes from!

I am going to take the weekend off, and turn the computer off to. The plan is to relax and just enjoy being a mom and "try" not to worry about all the little things that don't get done.

I hope you enjoy tonight's freebies.

Browns Fan Kit

Because of size this kit has been broken down into 2 downloads.
Half the papers and half the elements are in each download so make sure you get both downloads!

Sorry this item is no longer available

Gators Fan Kit

Click the preview to download
sorry this item is no longer available

Landscape Template # 13

Click the preview to download
sorry this item is no longer available

Template # 115

Click the preview to download

No Hot linking Please!

Please leave some love if you download, all I ask for is a simple, thx.

** Every 20th commenter will receive a Grab Bag! This will run through this Sunday the 14th at midnight. On Monday the 15th I will post the names of the lucky commenter's. You can comment as often as you like but you can only win once this week. Sorry.

I'll be back Monday night with the winners and your free Fan Kit!
* I officially hate Blogger, my spacing never saves properly, Anyone have any advice?

*Edit 11:15 pm- 3 hours, a weeks worth of my soap opera and 4shared is finally done uploading. Hurray! Have a good weekend everyone!!
Until next time...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Panthers Fan Kit

Sorry I didn't post last night. I wasn't feeling well and went to bed early, so early I was in bed before the kids. But about midnight I awoke with a spilting headach. It felt like someone had hit me in the head with a sledge hammer. I get migraines fairly regularly and this was way more then any migrain I have ever had. I took a couple of aspirin and tryed laying down again but about 10- 15 minutes later I was running for the bathroom and spent most of the night there being sick. I had hardly crawled back in bed when the alarm started going off. Today I have felt alot better but I still feel pretty blaa. I did manage to run errends which took about 3 hours. By the time I got home home all I wanted to do was sit, but oh no the little one was full of energy all day with only a 45 minute nap. grr..

Then this evening to top it all off the teenager and I got into a big blow out.

Not a fun day at all.

Okay, thanks for listening I feel much better now that I have vented a bit.

Now for happier things!

Tonights freebie is:

Panthers Fan Kit

Because of size this kit has been broken down into 2 downloads.

Half the papers and half the elements are in each download so make sure you get both downloads!

Panthers Fan Kit Part 1

Panthers Fan Kit Part 2
(Link has been fixed, 2-7-2009)

No hot linking please
Sorry this item is no longer available

Please leave some love if you download, all I ask for is a simple, thx.

** Every 20th commenter will receive a Grab Bag! This will run through next Sunday the 14th at midnight. On Monday the 15th I will post the names of the lucky commenter's.
You can comment as often as you like but you can only win once this week. Sorry.

** I am still taking requests for the team kits.

I have also added a direct link list to the team kits. You can find this in the side bar of the blog.

Until next time...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Packers Fan Kit

Not much to say tonight, this cold that I thought I was getting rid of has decided to stick around and kick my butt some more.

Packers Fan Kit

Click the preview to download

no hot linking please
Sorry this item is no longer available

Until next time.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Fighting Irish

First off I'd like to start with a Thank You to those of you who do leave comments. I read them all everyday. And as a thank you and a bit of an encouragement to those of you who don't leave comments, Every 20th commenter will receive a Grab Bag! This will run through next Sunday the 14th at midnight. On Monday the 15th I will post the names of the lucky commenter's.

You can comment as often as you like but you can only win once this week. Sorry.

I have also added a direct link list to the team kits. You can find this in the side bar of the blog.

Now for tonight's freebie:

Fighting Irish Fan Kit

Click the preview to download

No hot linking please
Sorry this item is no longer available

Until next time...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Landscape Template # 12

I'm keeping this short today, I'm in a bit of a foul mood. Take a look at the number of downloads over the last week vs. the number of comments. I'll stop there before I say something I might regret.

Here is landscape template #12

Click the preview to down load.

no hotlinking please.

Until next time...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Avalanche Fan Kit

Happy 21st Birthday Christian!
Yep, my nephew turns 21 on Friday and so in honor of him I have made tonight's freebie.

Avalanche Fan Kit

Because of size this kit has been broken down into 2 downloads.
Half the papers and half the elements are in each one so make sure you get both downloads!

Avalanche Fan Download 1

Avalanche Fan Download 2

No hot linking please
Sorry this item is no longer available

Those of you who downloaded the Steelers Fan Kit might want to check and make sure you got both parts.
Don't forget to put your teams name on my to do list!
Just leave a comment or you can email me if you prefer.
Until next time...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Steelers Fan Kit

The time has flown buy on me tonight. I meant to have this up earler but got absorbed in another requested team kit. No I'm not going to tell you what team it is, but I will tell you it is almost done!

I have had more requests for the Steelers then any other kit so far!

Get your requests in now! The teams with the most requests will be released first.

But I will get to all of them!!!

Ok, Steelers Fans here we go..

Steelers Fan Kit

Because of size this kit has been broken down into 2 downloads.

Half the papers and half the elements are in each one so make sure you get both downloads!

Steelers 1 Download Here

Steelers 2 Download Here
Sorry this item is no longer available

Please leave some love if you download

The font used in this kit is Franklin Gothic Heavy

Until next time...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Landscape Templates # 013 & # 11

I have been sitting here staring at a blank blog post for over half an hour now trying to get my mind to focus. I am so very tired! The party was a big hit, however it ended pretty late for a school night. The little one refused to nap yesterday and trying to get everyone up and motivated this morning was a bit more of a challenge. She also refused to nap today so tonight she was being a real bear cat. Does anyone know where the term "Bear Cat" comes from? My grandfather has used it for as long as I can remember and he doesn't know where he learned it.
Any who, lets get on to our freebies shall we?
The first one tonight is a request.
Landscape Template #013 (converted 12x12)
Click the preview to download.
Landscape Template #11

Click the preview to download

Please remember that hot linking is frowned upon.

Please send your friends and family directly to my blog (with a link back to the blog itself) if you would like to share my work with them.

Sorry, I do not know how to make a blinky to share.

* I am accepting team request( see previous post for more information)

* Also conversion requests of templates

**** Tomorrow night (Wednesday night) I will be releasing a new team kit! ****

* I posted a new Double Template on Monday but Digi free did not pick it up for some reason so here it is again!
Double Template #7

Click the preview to download

Until next time...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Freebies

Busy getting ready for a double birthday party tonight. So I'm posting early since I won't be around.

3 freebies tonight:

Landscape Template #001(converted from 12x12)

Click the preview to down load

Landscape Template # 002 (converted from 12x12)

Click the preview to download

Double 12x12 Template #7

Side a and side b both included.

I also made a bobo with the preview as you can see, I forgot to take my center marker out!

I swear it's not in any file just in the preview. my bad.

Click the preview to download

Please remember that hot linking is not allowed

* I am taking request for team kits

I have had a few requests and will be releasing them real soon.


Some kits will have logos and some will not. It all depends on how hard it is to duplicate the logo since I refuse to steal one from the internet. I will try and use fonts that are simular to the teams but not exact ones.

* * I am also taking requests for landscape template conversions from any of my 12x12s. Just let me know what numbers you want!

Until next time...