So how was your Monday?
Not to bad round here, gorgeous day out really. First client was at ten this morning and then we replaced a broken window at one of our properties. The little one wanted to help so bad I gave her a hammer and turned her lose tapping in all the lose nails in the deck. I hate building things with nails just for that reason, they always work themselves lose over time (we did not build it). She had fun, no fingers were whacked, it kept her out of the broken glass and as far as I could tell she got darn near all of them! Thank you little one for being a big help today! Who knows maybe the kids will actually read this some day?!
This afternoon we headed to grandpa's house where I spent a couple of hours following the tiller around the garden. Oh man there was a lot of stuff to till in! corn stalks, pumpkins from Halloween, leaves and grass clippings (this past years mulch), even a few carrots and onions that got missed during the harvest. We also have bags and bags and bags of leaves stored for next spring to use as mulch around the plants. They work great and at the end of the season we just till them in!
Yes I am feeling much better today! I think it was lack of sleep more then anything. I seem to just crash and burn about once every three to 4 weeks. Yes I know, that is bad to do. I think it is part of my go go go personality. I can't sit still with out having some thing to do, and when I do lay down to go to sleep my mind continues on at full throttle! Most nights I don't go to bed till 2 or 3 am. Some times later, it all depends on if I'm on a roll designing or worrying about one thing or another. Oh yeah that's another thing, I'm a huge worry wort! I know, it's getting to be a bit to much info!
Currently I'm working on two private request kits and the two Christmas Kits that I'm participating in this year (release dates listed on the side of the blog) so the next Fan Kit might be a bit. But I promise I will get to the Yankees World Series one as soon as I can. I spent what little time I had on the computer over the weekend making templates so that those can remain on schedule. Speaking of templates. How many of you think you will be continuing or will be starting Project 365 in 2010? Would you like me to keep this series going? If so, would you like to see Double Templates again or Single pages for the new year?
Thank you for all the wonderful comments and feed back on the Country Living Kit! I had a ton of fun creating it! There are a few things about it I would like to change but most of that will come with practice and time. I think my favorite element is the wagon wheel with the fence post and flowers. I spent a ton of time figuring out how to weave those flowers in and out of that wagon wheel! But I think it was well worth it and next time it won't be so difficult.
Tonight we have the first "Country Living" Layouts that have been sent in.


These three ladies will be receiving this 3 pack of templates!
You can get a copy to! All you need to do is email me a Layout made using my latest kit "Country Living"! You can find my email in the "About Me" section under "My Links" on the right side of the blog.
Each of these three templates comes in 3 sizes!
psd and psp files.

And of course it's Monday!
Hold on!........ Cisco just ran off with my spare camera battery!
Ok back.
She is running around on my desk keeping me company tonight.
I still need to install the hinges and latches for the new cage doors. Also need to install the different levels for her to climb around and play on. It is 40" tall, 30" wide and 18" deep.
Ok back to Monday!
Freebie Template #220
Alright time to go put a couple of hours in on the kits.


These three ladies will be receiving this 3 pack of templates!
You can get a copy to! All you need to do is email me a Layout made using my latest kit "Country Living"! You can find my email in the "About Me" section under "My Links" on the right side of the blog.
Each of these three templates comes in 3 sizes!
psd and psp files.

And of course it's Monday!
Hold on!........ Cisco just ran off with my spare camera battery!
Ok back.
She is running around on my desk keeping me company tonight.
I still need to install the hinges and latches for the new cage doors. Also need to install the different levels for her to climb around and play on. It is 40" tall, 30" wide and 18" deep.
Ok back to Monday!
Freebie Template #220
no hot linking please
Don't forget to stop by Digifree for a great new freebie list every day!
Alright time to go put a couple of hours in on the kits.
Until next time...
Thank you for another wonderful template! I read all the entries, but don't download all the templates, but there are a few of them in my collection. You have a talent for making it easier for us all to show off our photos!!
I'm still sticking with my Project 365, our first married year that started on December 23 last year. That will give me a week off and then I'm going to do one just for me next year. That's going to be harder to keep up with because no one else is depending on the outcome, but I need to try to do something just for me!
I do “Patch 365” as one-page-a-week layouts with a few “extra” pages here and there. We eloped, so this is our wedding album! I print as books from Shutterfly and there is a 100 page limit per book, so one-pagers work better for printing too. I have used many 2-page layouts for my regular scrapbooks though and the P365 templates are great for that too!
Tanks for the great gifts and, wow, thanks for asking the gift-getters’ opinions too! But I say whatever you enjoy making to give, is an excellent and appreciated gift!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 10 post on Nov. 17, 2009. Thanks again.
I plan on doing Project 365 next year with the templates you made this year. But if you're willing, I'd love for you to continue putting out new templates for it. I like the double page template.
I am gathering templates to help me in making a Family History for 5 generations, I'm tickled with anything I can find. I have your collection for this year (and am so grateful) but I only have a few single page templates, so I'm leaning towards single pages to fill out my 'tool box' >;0)
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