Wow what a crazy week it has been!
Let's see here, Thursday I did get a bit of design time in and started on the Yankees World Series Fan kit for you all. It should be posted around Thanksgiving time.
I also finished up the laundry. My little one surprised me so much with the laundry! I had carried a basket full of clean socks, undies, and other bleach able items out to the living room. I came back to reload the dryer before folding the basketful. This is when my little one stepped up and took over! She sorted and "attempted" to fold the entire basket! She carried her brothers things to his room and placed them on his bed for him to put away when he got home. Then she took her older teen sisters stuff and opened the door and just tossed the clean clothes in! I was practically rolling on the floor laughing. I think 95% of her clothes are scattered all over the floor in there. I have had the argument with her so many times about keeping her room picked up and clothes kept nice so they last to no avail. I have pretty much decided to let her live in the filth. How long can it last? It has gone on longer then I thought it would. I'm starting to think she really don't care. I think the little one has even gotten the message about that room! Just toss it in and hope for the best! The door won't even open all the way!
After we finished putting the laundry away she watched a video while I washed dishes. I was half way done drying when she came marching in demanding that I leave and let her dry! I finished all the glass items and knifes and let her finish drying the silverware. The only time she asked for me to come back in was when she wanted to know if the big serving spoon went with the big spoons (Tablespoons). I pointed out where it went, and she said "Thank you, you can go now"! Come on she's three! I'm not ready for this!
After dinner we had the boys first basketball game of the season. We lost 45 - 15 but it's not exactly fair when your team only has seven kids and one don't show up. 5 on the court and one resting. the boys sure do get tired! We played a team that had 11 on there team! I don't understand why, but we play five 8 minute quarters. Five? Don't quarters mean 4? or is this some new fandagled math? The boys had fun and that is what matters most! Although I think we might need to make our boy run some sprints and learn what running is, instead of running, he skips down the court! Even the coach hollered a few times for him to hurry up and get in position!
Today was design day! Oh was I on a roll! and as I was designing I received a few layouts in my email! Love em, Love em, Love em! Every time a new one came in it spurred me on today! It was a happy happy day! The little one you ask? She was out spending time with Dad! When they did come home she was tired and went right down for nap! That gave me two more hours to design! I was going so strong that I found it hard to stop and make diner tonight. While everyone else sat at the table to eat I brought my dinner in to the computer so i could keep working!
After dinner we headed to Grandpa's house to work on a couple of pieces for Cisco's new cage. Tomorrow we assemble everything! After spending a little over an hour there we headed off to Basketball practice. I left the girls with grandpa while we went to practice. The coach had them all run sprints! Start at the end of the court run to free throw line and back then to the half court and back then the other free throw... you get the idea. He had them do this twice and boy were they huffing and puffing. All in all it was a good practice. They worked an a few screens and on there ball handling skills. When it was over we headed back to grandpa's and hung out for a bit before coming home.
Well I just realized I did not upload my images to blogger before I started typing. From past experience this means that once I do load them my spacing is going to be all messed up! Drat!
Here we go let's get to those fabulous layouts!
Check it out!
Michele has used Tonight's Double Template #55 for her layouts!

Zora sent in this fun layout for our monthly Participation Challenge.
Zora sent in this fun layout for our monthly Participation Challenge.
Kit: Girls R Us by Lindsay Jane
Date Wheel: As The Days Turn by Danielle Corbitt
Connie sent this one in for our Country Living Challenge! She said that this photo was taken near Rosslyn Chapel which is mentioned in The Di Vinci Code.
Connie sent this one in for our Country Living Challenge! She said that this photo was taken near Rosslyn Chapel which is mentioned in The Di Vinci Code.
Jessica sent this cutie layout in of her chicken err I mean hen, Goldie.
Goldie could be the twin of one of our hens from when I was a child. Her name was Red. Very original I know!

Nanscraps sent this beautiful Layout in. I love all the elements and the papers all layered together to make up this wonderful scene! What a gorgeous horse!
A REALLY BIG THANK YOU goes out to all of you ladies tonight! You made my day! Watching them come rolling in one after another like that was a blast! Thank You!
Finally tonight we wind down with our Freebie Double Template #55

Nanscraps sent this beautiful Layout in. I love all the elements and the papers all layered together to make up this wonderful scene! What a gorgeous horse!

If you enjoyed our layouts tonight it's not to late to get in on the deal. All you need to do is download my Latest Kit "Country Living", scrap a layout with it and send it in before the end of the month! You can find my email on the right side in the about me section.
Here is what you will get in return for participating in the "Country Living Challenge"

Finally tonight we wind down with our Freebie Double Template #55
no hot linking please
Thank you all for your wonderful comments!
While your in the clicking mood, Why don't you stop by and check out Digifree!
A great new freebie list every day!
Thanks again everyone! You make me smile!
Until next time...
(most of the spacing held!)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 10 post on Nov. 21, 2009. Thanks again.
Thanks for the templates.
Can't wait to see the photos of Cisco's cage when it is finished. Thanks heaps for this template.
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