Welcome to Double Template Friday!
First off tonight I have just one thing I'd like to discuss. I have received a few emails asking advice on a few different things. Tonight my one piece of advice for everyone, new or seasoned scrappers, is to play with shadows. Don't be afraid of them! Use them to your advantage! I myself struggle with this very topic. Until relatively recently none of my LO's had shadows or very little shadowing to them. Since I have started playing with them and learning how to use them I feel that some of my layouts actually stand out more and draw my eyes to the photos where they should be instead of all the elements.
If you have any questions feel free to ask I will answer them to the best of my ability and if I can't I will try to find someone who can!
Tonight we have some very wonderful layouts sent to us all the way from Italy!
I love seeing my drab grey templates come alive with color! Your March Sharing Gift will be sent on the first. Thank you so much!

Kit Sweet Love by Choupette http://titoudamour.monbebeblog.com/
You folks seem to like this following template. I have seen a few Layouts that have used this one now. I will have to try and make a few more in a similar style for you all.
See that's another reason I like seeing your work. It lets me know what template styles you guys like the most and actually use!
I absolutely LOVE the markings on this pretty kitty!
kit Bonheur est dans le pre' from http://chriscrap.over-blog.com/
Papers and elements unknown
Click the preview to download from 4 shared
Click Here to download from Media Fire
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If you would like to share, why not send your friends and family to the blog where they can check out everything that is available.
If anyone is willing to share there layouts with me, or the blog, you can find my email on the right side of the blog in the about me section.
Have a good night!
Until next time...
Let's see what you guys come up with for tonight's freebie. I can think of numerous things this one could be used for with these shapes. Examples: Science Fair, DNA strands? adoption, births, maybe quilt blocks. What else can you come up with?
Tonight's Freebie
Double Template #21
Tonight's Freebie
Double Template #21

Click Here to download from Media Fire
Please remember that hot linking is not allowed.
If you would like to share, why not send your friends and family to the blog where they can check out everything that is available.
If anyone is willing to share there layouts with me, or the blog, you can find my email on the right side of the blog in the about me section.
Have a good night!
Until next time...
Great template. Thank you very much!
thank you! What fun shapes!
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