Tonight I have a layout that I did using the new May Participation Gift. No kit was used for this one. All I did was recolor the template with colors from the photo, added a bit of shadowing and some embossing.
Did you know that May is National Flower Month?

And since Saturday is NSD (National Scrapbooking Day) I thought I'd give you all another little grab bag. Click the preview to download. Only available for 48 hours!

Sorry this item is no longer available.
Don't forget about the May Day Gift Bag! Only 24 hours left to grab it!
No hot linking please. If you would like to share with friends and family please send them here to my blog where they can download all the freebies they want.
Until next time...
Me first, Me first....LOL Thank you for the goodies, I'm sure they'll be great! Can't wait to see what's inside! Have a good evening!
Thank you for the freebie!
Thanks for your NSD gift and as it's from you, I know it will be a beauty.
Thank you so much!
thank you
the only person I download a grab bag from cuz it's always great!
THanks for sharing your talent. Can't wait to take a peek!!!
thanks for the NSD grab bag look forward to the goodies
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Grab Bag/Surprise post on May. 02, 2009. Thanks again.
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