Friday, November 25, 2011

Long Time No Post

Howdy Everyone!

I hope everyone had a Very Happy Thanksgiving!

I know it's been a long time since I last posted, a very long time actually. Sorry for the disappearance act. The summer was totally crazy and this fall we had a house guest that put a real crimp in things for a couple of months. Drama and chaos!

Thank you to all of you who have stuck around and have been checking on me. I do miss the scrapbooking community and the friends I have made here on the blog. You folks all rock! I do plan on making a return, I have some templates that I have been working on and a few mini kits. I need to make previews and proof things before I can release them. Both are things I do not like doing and defiantly slow me down releasing things. 

As soon as I get the credits in order I will start sharing some layouts that I did over the summer and see if we can't get back into the swing of things around here! 

See you all soon!


NanaScraps said...

Welcome Back!!! Looking forward to seeing your LO's

NanaScraps said...

WOW you sure have been gone awhile..hope all is ok